Strange uncles podcast

High Strangeness comes in all shapes & sizes. Our job is to step into the shadows and find these topics, and bring them into the light to dissect and inform the world at large. Join Shane, John & Josh as we delve into the world of the Strange, bizzare, and paranormal, and try to laugh at it all as we unravel the synchronicities found in this well as out of. Open the Gates...s

Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Welcome to Strange Uncles episode 32.....I had the pleasure on this episode to interview a one Michael P. Masters, a Biological Anthropology Professor who teaches at Montana Tech in Butte Mt. He has recently written a book entitled "Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific approach to the UFO Phenomenon"...A very interesting theory about the possible evolution of man. Also, I bring in John Finnigan, a friend of mine that shares in the love of all things High Strangeness. Fun episode, chock full of UFO conversation...Open the gates!
*You can find Michael P. Masters and his book at, or follow him on twitter @morphotime. Again, thank you Michael for the time and the great conversation. Hopefully I will bump into you again somewhere in time.
*Reach out to Strange uncles at, or call us at (801)252-6945...tell us your encounters with the paranormal. Follow us on twitter @strangeuncles, or Instagram at strangeuncles.

Saturday May 18, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E14; "You never know who you'll meet at the Cemetery"
Saturday May 18, 2019
Saturday May 18, 2019
Welcome everyone to Strange Uncles! On episode 31.5, we get a little odd. Who can have a blast wandering around in the cemetery? Only us. Join myself and the two Founders of Oquirrh Mountain Paranormal, as we do some field recording about two local Salt lake legends...and then the day takes a weird turn. Open the Gates..
*Big thanks to Mike and Jenn Pardue of Oquirrh Mountain Paranormal for the fun time. Find there website at
*Find us at, or write us at, or call us at (801) 252-6945.....were ready to believe you...Close the Gates..

Sunday May 12, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E13; "Damn Russian Winters Part 2"
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
Open the Gates...
Welcome back Comrades to another Strange Uncles tour down the Rabbit hole. Join us on this episode as myself and a good friend and follower of the show Mitchell, wrap up the elusive story of the Dyatlov Pass incident. Part 2 dives a little more into supposed theories of what happened, and the fact that the case has recently been re-opened. So grab your favorite Vodka, pull up a chair, and enjoy..
*Follow Mitchell on Twitter @_absolute0. Follow Strange Uncles on Instagram or Twitter at @strangeuncles. Check out our website, or write us with an experience or encounter you had at Want to tell a story directly? call the SU hotline at (801) 252-69...45.
Close the Gates..

Saturday May 04, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E12; "Damn Russian Winter's part 1"
Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
Welcome everybody to Episode 30.5! Long time fan and a great friend of the show joins Strange Uncles to drop some strange facts, and jump into the story of the "Dyatlov Pass incident". We welcome Mitchell from Canada, to try and unravel the weird happenings of nine Russian Hikers that in 1959, left a bizarre scene and questions continue to swirl around on what exactly happened. Open the Gates...
*You can follow Mitchell on twitter @_Absolute0
*Follow Strange uncles on twitter @strangeuncles, or write us! our Website where we post articles and all of our episodes. Last but not least, call us at (801) 252-6945....Tell us your odd encounters or strange going's on's…Close the Gates...

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E11; "Hey Casper, Pour me another part 2"
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Welcome everyone to Strange Uncles Episode 30....We wrap up our talk on Haunted bars, along with discussing the meet and greet of Alice Cooper, and the epic Avengers Endgame...Open the Gates...
*Follow Josefina, the stand in co-host on twitter @Jo_dancingqueen, and write us! at, check out our website at, or call us and tell us your encounters or strange goings on's, at (801)252-6945....

Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E10; "Hey Casper, pour me another part 1"
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
After a two week downtime of life just getting in the goddamn way, were back on track! Join us on episode 29.5 when we invite our favorite bartender and friend Brooks, to go down the Rabbit hole of Haunted bars. We also give our condolences to Notre Dame, as well as the passing of Lorraine Warren...Open the Gates..
*Find us on twitter @strangeuncles, or Instagram at strangeuncles. Find our website, or write us at Call and tell us your weird encounters or strange stories at (801) 252-6945...

Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E9; "If you insist on probing me, at least kiss me first"
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Welcome one and all to Strange Uncles, episode 29..We are joined by the infamous Gareth, who hosts "Gareth's Random Ramblings podcast", with his lovely wife Bex. On this episode, we try and catch up on UFO news. A slue of it is out there, and I had multiple stories I needed to discuss and get off my chest. Thanks Gareth for being part of it!
*You can find Gareth's Random Ramblings Podcast on all Podcast platforms. Follow him on twitter @grrpod.
*Follow Strange Uncles @Strangeuncles, find our website at or write us at
*Call our hotline and leave a story of any strange and eclectic situations you may have found yourselves in. Or, simply leave a message saying "Close the Gates"...We will add you into the podcast! (801)252-6945

Saturday Mar 23, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E8; "Freemason discussion with Rich the Carpenter"
Saturday Mar 23, 2019
Saturday Mar 23, 2019
Welcome one and all to Strange Uncles episode 28.5. You know it amazes me when you just open up and start talking to people, just what you will find. I happened to become friends with a gentleman by the name of Rich, who was a Contractor working on my Building, and lo and behold, he was chock full of cool topics and strange info. Join us as we discuss the world of "Free Masons"....Open the Gates.
*Follow us on Instagram, or twitter @strangeuncles. Check out our website, and find us on almost every Podcast platform: Stitcher Spotify, iTunes, Google play, and Tune in. Write us at

Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E7; "Silence of the Lam"
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Welcome one and all to episode 28 of Strange Uncles. On this episode, a good friend of mine from LA by the name of Chris Kim joins me to discuss weird news, and dive into the story of "Elisa Lam", who was discovered dead in a water tower in 2012, at the infamous Cecil Hotel. A strange story that is still being circulated and has multiple weird and bizarre hearsay attached to it. Open the Gates...
*Find and listen to Chris Kim on his Vegas Podcast "Faces and Aces Las Vegas". Follow Chris @GreenKorean1 or @FacesAndAcesLV.

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E6; "Hoodo Voodoo Shmoodoo"
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Welcome to episode 27 of Strange Uncles. On this one, I am delighted to have a good friend from Canada, Mitchell Leadbeater, to discuss the history of Voodoo!
Open the Gates...
*You can find Mitchell on twitter, @_Absolute0