Strange uncles podcast

High Strangeness comes in all shapes & sizes. Our job is to step into the shadows and find these topics, and bring them into the light to dissect and inform the world at large. Join Shane, John & Josh as we delve into the world of the Strange, bizzare, and paranormal, and try to laugh at it all as we unravel the synchronicities found in this well as out of. Open the Gates...s

Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E7; SU news: Blind dogs and Ancient Vampire edition
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Welcome everyone to the first SU news...So it occurred to us that we are constantly behind in the Paranormal news. Always something happening, it seems like a never-ending rotation of weird. So, once a month, look forward to a "strictly news" episode, where we dive a little deeper into the everchanging world of High Strangeness...on this one we cover the latest of Storm Area 51, Cosmic weirdness, Ancient Vampires, and the list goes on...Open the gates..
*Follow us on all podcast platforms. Find us on Instagram and twitter as Strange Uncles. Call our hotline with a story! (801) 252-69...45. Write us at Find our website, our research, and one offs at the Gates..

Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E6; "One giant leap for moon facts Part 2"
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Open the Gates! To another Strange Uncles episode. On Episode 6, we discuss Aliester Crowley's weird Mansion, and wrap up our talk about the Moon Landing, diving a little more in detail in regards to people, conspiracy theories and where we stand today. Close the Gates...
*Write us at, or call our hotline and leave a tale to tell at (801)252-69...45. Find us on all social media platforms, and listen to us on all podcast platforms.

Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E5; "One giant leap for moon facts Part 1"
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Open the Gates to another Strange Uncles episode. On Season 2, Episode 5, John, Josh and myself dive into the infamous "Moon landing conspiracy"...did we do it? why are so many people, (including one of us), still so undecided? Join us as we dive into over 3 weeks of research in regards to the Apollo mission, mysterious deaths, and different facts that just don't fit seemingly into the Moon landing event, and....some that absolutely do. Close the Gates....
*Have a story? want a topic covered? call us at (801) 252-69...45. Write us at And don't forget to follow us on all social media and podcast platforms..

Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E4; "We love Movie Monsters"
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Open the Gates to Episode 4, Season 2, as we have a call in from a longtime fan, as she shares a real life Ghost Story. Than join us as we cover a brief history of the "Movie Monster, and follow up with an interview with Tom Devlin, Special Effects creator that runs "Tom Devlin's Monster Museum" in Boulder city, NV. A fun yet full Episode...Close the Gates...
*Thank you Sue for the call-in, and look forward to returning to your Haunted farm!
*You can find Tom Devlin on all social media platforms, or at http://www.tomdevlinsmonstermuseum.
*Follow us on all social media platforms, call our hotline at (801) 252-69...45. Write us at, or check out our website at

Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E3; "Fortean's R us..."
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Welcome to Season 2, Episode 3. Join us as we cover the newest update on the Storm Area 51 BS, cover a few new strange events, explain the odd history of Charles Fort, the originator of the term "Fortean", and finally enjoy an interview we have with Tobias and Emily Wayland, founders of "The Singular Fortean Society". This is a full and fun packed episode! Open the gates!
*You can find Tobias and Emily at Follow them on all social media platforms, and find their you tube channel "The Fortean Network". Thank you Tobias and Emily for the time!
*Have a strange, bizarre story or encounter? share it! Write us at, or call our hotline at (801)252-69...45. Find us on all podcast platforms and follow us on Instagram and twitter @strangeuncles. Close the Gates..

Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E2; "D.B. Cooper lives on"
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Join us on Season 2, Episode 2, as we get a quick update on the now infamous "storm Area 51" controversy, find out where the safest seat in a plane actually is, and a conversation of "tracks" found on the moon during the Apollo 15 mission? Than John covers the story of D.B Cooper, and the mystery still surrounding him till this day....Open the Gates..
*Call us on our hotline if you have any news or updates of the weird and strange, at (801)252-69...45. Write us at Find us on twitter @strangeuncles, or Instagram. Close the Gates...

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E1; "Storm Area 51 coverage with Connie West"
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Welcome everyone to a new season of Strange Uncles! Now with two new awesome co-host's Josh Stohl and John Finnigan firmly in place, SU is retrofitted and ready to have a grounded view of elevated topics of the "High Strangeness". In Episode 1, we can't help but to cover the epic s**t show known as the "Storming of Area 51". We also have an interview with the owner of the "Little A'Le'Inn, Connie West, to gather her views on this, what seems to be turning into, an historic event in media sort of speak. Open the Gates...
*Find Connie West on Instagram at Conniewest25, or on FB at the littlealeinn. Call the Little A'Le'Inn to book a room before its to late at (775) 729-2515.
*Find us on twitter @strangeuncles, or write us at Call our hotline (801) 252-69...45, and leave us a story or experience that may have happened to you!

Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E19; "I spy with my little eye...Remote Viewing part 2"
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Welcome one and all to SU episode 47. On this one, we cover the ongoing reports of Navy and UFO's, Haunted houses in Texas, and people with telescopes that have too much time on their hands. And we also wrap up the study of Remote Viewing and the twists and tales that it leads to. Open the Gates..
Follow us on twitter @strangeuncles, or call our hotline at (801)252-69..45. Write us at to tell us your experiences with the weird and eclectic. Close the Gates..

Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E18; "I spy with my little eye...Remote Viewing Part 1"
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Sunday Jul 07, 2019
Welcome folks to another episode of Strange Uncles. Join Shane, John and Josh as we cover some new news in the world of High Strangeness, and begin Part 1 of the topic of Remote Viewing. Just a hoax or was the government onto something? ...Open the Gates...
*Call our hotline and tell us your story at (801) 252-69..45. Reach out by email at, or our website at Follow us on twitter @strangeuncles or on Instagram...…Close the gates..

Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Strange Uncles S1E17; "The Philadelphia Cheesesteak Experiment"
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Sunday Jun 30, 2019
Welcome folks to another episode of Strange Uncles. Join Shane, John and Josh as we cover some new interesting news on sounds in the sky, more UFO sightings, and a mysterious train loaded to the hilt with Military stuff. Then, join us as we dig up the story of the infamous "Philadelphia Experiment". Was there more going on there or just an urban myth gone crazy?...Open the Gates...
*Call our hotline and tell us your story at (801) 252-69..45. Reach out by email at, or our website at Follow us on twitter @strangeuncles or on Instagram...…Close the gates...