Strange uncles podcast

High Strangeness comes in all shapes & sizes. Our job is to step into the shadows and find these topics, and bring them into the light to dissect and inform the world at large. Join Shane, John & Josh as we delve into the world of the Strange, bizzare, and paranormal, and try to laugh at it all as we unravel the synchronicities found in this well as out of. Open the Gates...s

Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Strange Uncles S3E1; "The World of the Warren's Part 1"
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
We made it to Season 3 of Strange Uncles! New season...New topics...New logo...Same childish humor. Join us an episode 1 as we cover the strange world of the Warren's. Were they for real or hoaxer's? There has been people on both sides of the fence, and on part 1, we cover there history up to some of their most infamous cases. Step into the Shadows...
*Stand by for our Patreon launch in February! Become a "Stranger" to the podcast and sign up for a tier! Also check out our website where you can find write-ups, the shows, and other odds and ends. Have a story? Write us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-69...45.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Strange Uncles S# promo; "New Season, New Topics, New Logo...Same childish jokes"
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
Wednesday Jan 08, 2020
New season...New Topics...New Logo...Same Childish Humor...
*Follow us on all social media, and all podcast platforms. Write us at or call us on our hotline at (801) 252-69...45, for any strange encounters, stories, or questions. Check out our website at for all episodes, friends of the podcast, or explored research. Follow us down the Rabbit hole.
*Big shout out to Jensen Rapp for the creation of our new logo!!

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E26; "UFO talk with Oregon Bob"
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Welcome everyone to the final episode for season 2. We already have over 20 subjects loaded and being researched for Season 3, so stand by. On this episode, we invite Oregon Bob, AKA Robert Picthall on to discuss the mysterious happenings that have been occurring in the Central Oregon woods for decades. He has been involved in the Paranormal in one form or another since he was young, and in 2004, gathered a team together to study the Anomalies occurring near his home in Central Oregon. An amazing interview, and we are hoping to be able to travel his way in the Spring, to see first hand what strange happenings are going on. Open the Gates...
*You can follow Bob on Twitter @picthall_robert...….
**Have a story to share? Write us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-69...45 to tell us your encounters, stories, or tales. Check out our website at, where we have write-ups on explored research, along with news of the "High Strangeness", episodes, and links to other fun stuff. Follow us on all podcast platforms and social media, and check out our YouTube channel for other adventures...Close the Gates.

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E25; "Merry Krampus Everyone"
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Welcome to our special holiday episode of Strange Uncles. As most of you know, Holidays for us pretty much end after Halloween...just saying. But, we thought we would find some Christmas cheer, and weave tales of the other side of Christmas. The dark side of Christmas, if you will. So on episode 25, we cover a brief history of Satan, eer, we mean Santa, and then discuss the lesser known characters of the Winter Solstice, such as Krampus, La Befana, The Gryla...just to name a few. So sit back, and enjoy OUR Christmas stories. Open the gates...
*Have a story to share? Write us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-69...45 to tell us your encounters, stories, or tales. Check out our website at, where we have write-ups on explored research, along with news of the "High Strangeness", episodes, and links to other fun stuff. Follow us on all podcast platforms and social media, and check out our YouTube channel for other adventures...Close the Gates.

Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Welcome everyone to Strange Uncles December Fortean News edition. In this news edition, we talk about can a simulation explain ghost? Space force, milky way news and the Navy flipflopping of tic tac, plus much more! Open the Gates..
*Find links to all of our news stories on our website, You can also find explored research write-ups, among other things on our site as well. Write us! at Find us on all podcast platforms, or call us with your story at (801) 252-69...45. Close the Gates.

Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E23; "Time Travel and dimensional slip talk"
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Welcome everyone to another Strange Uncles! On this episode, we try and get somewhat serious and discuss the possibility of Time Travel. Can it be done? The movies are one thing, but what about looking into Time Travel on a Physical, or even Quantum level? Is it possible we have dimensional time slips happening around us at different times that may explain the existence of Ghosts, or people stepping into another timeline? We ask these questions and more, on Strange Uncles, Episode 23. Open the gates..
Follow us on all Podcast platforms, or write us at Check out our website, where we added additional research, along with past episode write-ups that you can read along to. Call us with your story! At (801) 252-69...45. Close the Gates..

Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E22; "The Bridgewater Triangle"
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Welcome everyone to the world of Strange Uncles. On this episode, we unravel the history and odd happenings of the Bridgewater Triangle. The Bridgewater triangle is a 200 square mile area in Massachusetts, that for centuries has been known for just about everything under the High strangeness umbrella. Cryptids, UFO sightings, spook lights, ghosts...and even Satanic cuts and real life murderers. This area has it all, but why? Is it due too the bloody past of a war between the local Natives and the Colonists? or is it just simply an area in this world where the line between vortex's or the spirit world is just a little thinner? Find out all the encounters and strangeness this area has offered over the years, and continues to make a name for itself. Ladies and Gentleman, we give you, "The Bridgewater Triangle"...Open the Gates.
*Find us on all podcast platforms, or follow us on all social media. Write us with a story or encounter at, or check out our website at Have a crazy story or encounter? Call our hotline at (801) 252-69..45. Remember, "Were ready to believe you"...Close the Gates.

Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E21; "The infamous DARPA"
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Welcome everyone to Strange Uncles. Join us as we wrap up our two part conspiracy episodes with DARPA. Some of you may have never heard of this government organization, but just to enlighten, most of the technology that we use everyday: Cell phones, internet, the microwave, even the computer mouse...all came from DARPA. Is it just a group to help us advance, or is their more nefarious agenda's at work? Find out as we uncover the history, the inventions, and the future...of DARPA. Open the Gates.
*Find us on all Podcast platforms. Write us at (801) 252-69...45, or write us at Find our website, or our youtube chanel at Strange Uncles...Close the Gates.

Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Strange Uncles S2E20; "The Infamous HAARP"
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Welcome everyone to another episode of Strange Uncles. On this weeks episode, we three decide to dig deep into the history, function, and conspiracy theories of HAARP. Is it simply a giant frequency apparatus that helps us study the Ionosphere? Or is there more to it? Why did other countries decide to build similar projects? Why is it so remotely located? Can there be a chance it controls, weather, and our minds? Find out as John, Josh and Shane jump down the Rabbit hole of the "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. Open the Gates..
*Find us on all Podcast platforms, or listen on our website Write us! At, or call our hotline at (801) 252-69..45. Close the Gates..

Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Strange uncles S2E19; SU News: "Our strange universe and Witch jugs edition"
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Welcome everybody to our monthly "High Strangeness" news episode. John, Shane and Josh unravel all the recent news for October, recap Halloween, and shake our heads at the absurdity of some of it. Open the gates...
*Follow our Fortean news links on our website at, and feel free to reach out on there to tell us your stories, topics you want to hear, or just get things off your chest.
*Follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. Write us at, or call us on our hotline, (801) 252-69..45. Close the Gates...