Strange uncles podcast

High Strangeness comes in all shapes & sizes. Our job is to step into the shadows and find these topics, and bring them into the light to dissect and inform the world at large. Join Shane, John & Josh as we delve into the world of the Strange, bizzare, and paranormal, and try to laugh at it all as we unravel the synchronicities found in this well as out of. Open the Gates...s

Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Strange Uncles S3E16; SU News: "From Demon time to Meteor Talk Edition
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Sunday Apr 26, 2020
Welcome everyone to our Fortean News episode for April! Join us as we talk about rogue Meteors, Astral travel to escape the Covid, Demon Time, more Bigfoot footprints found, and the uptick of UFO's according to Tom Delonge. All in a nights work...Open the Gates..
*Contact us with a story at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-69..45. Want more awesome content? Become a Patreon member! Close the Gates..

Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Strange Uncles S3E15; "Interview with Amanda from Spookeats!"
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Sunday Apr 19, 2020
Join us on this Episode as we have the absolute pleasure of interviewing creator & Founder for Spook eats. Amanda spends her time not only researching and touring Haunted hotspots, but finds time to find food and drink along the way. Awesome concept, and we thoroughly enjoyed her honesty and compassion for the Paranormal. Find her @spookeats on twitter, or find her blog directly at Open the Gates...
*Join our Patreon! Tons of additional bonus content from videos to write-ups to candid clips. Well worth your time. Write us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-69...45, if you have a great story to share or a topic recommendation. Close the Gates..

Friday Apr 17, 2020
Bonus Episode; "Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch Show Review/Episode 3"
Friday Apr 17, 2020
Friday Apr 17, 2020
A strange world we live in, but hopefully we will make it better! So we decided, since its in our own backyard & so near and dear to our hearts, to agree to review each episode of the new show on History channel called "Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch". Close the Gates..
*Join our Patreon for added Content!

Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Strange Uncles S3E14; TOPY Part 2"
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Sunday Apr 12, 2020
Welcome everyone to another fun filled episode. On this one, we continue a topic that John spent a good few weeks researching, and was actually A recommendation from a listener/Patreon member (Thanks Kay Dee!). We go headlong into the world of a man by the name of Orridge, AKA Genesis, that was not only the godfather of Industrial music, but also was a founder of Psychic TV, and wait for it...said leader of one of the most underground infamous cults known as TOPY, or "Thee Temple ov psychick Youth". Very strange character indeed, and as ironic as it seems, w he passed away a day before we began recording the episodes. Strap in and join the ride. Open the Gates..
PS: These episodes BTW, were the last ones we recorded together before going into quarantine....So there's that.
*Join our Patreon! Tons of additional bonus content from videos to write-ups to candid clips. Well worth your time. Write us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-69...45. Close the Gates..

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Bonus Episode; "Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch Show Review/Episode 2"
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
A strange world we live in, but hopefully we will make it better! So we decided, since its in our own backyard & so near and dear to our hearts, to agree to review each episode of the new show on History channel called "Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch". Were going to throw the first half of the season on here, but if you like it, and want to hear more Bonus Episodes as the season progress's, go to our Patreon and subscribe! It takes a lot of work on our side to edit, publish, and produce extra Bonus Episodes, let alone our regualr ones in this new world, so its a lot easier for us to continue to offer it on one platform only. Subscribe! Close the Gates..

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Bonus Episode; "Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch Show Review/Episode 1"
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
A strange world we live in, but hopefully we will make it better! So we decided, since its in our own backyard & so near and dear to our hearts, to agree to review each episode of the new show on History channel called "Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch". Were going to throw our first review episode out on our regular platform which is what you have here, but if you like it, and want to hear more Bonus Episodes as the season progress's, go to our Patreon and subscribe! It takes a lot of work on our side to edit, publish, and produce extra Bonus Episodes, let alone our regualr ones in this new world, so its a lot easier for us to continue to offer it on one platform only. Subscribe! Close the Gates..

Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Strange Uncles S3E13; "Topy Part 1"
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Welcome everyone to another fun filled episode. On this one, we start a topic that John spent a good few weeks researching, and was actually A recommendation from a listener/Patreon member (Thanks Kay Dee!). We go headlong into the world of a man by the name of Orridge, AKA Genesis, that was not only the godfather of Industrial music, but also was a founder of Psychic TV, and wait for it...said leader of one of the most underground infamous cults known as TOPY, or "Thee Temple ov psychick Youth". Very strange character indeed, and as ironic as it seems, w he passed away a day before we began recording the episodes. Strap in and join the ride. Open the Gates..
PS: These episodes BTW, were the last ones we recorded together before going into quarantine....So there's that.
*Join our Patreon! Tons of additional bonus content from videos to write-ups to candid clips. Well worth your time. Write us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-69...45. Close the Gates..

Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Welcome to our no ad, March Fortean News Edition. On this one you may notice audio quality adjusted a little, this is our 1st time not recording together in Stranger Studios. On this one we cover everything form talking points on Covid, Bigfoot, Tupac, amongst other things. Open the Gates
*Find us on all podcast platforms, and find us on social media. Call our hotline if you have a strange story to share at (801) 252-69..45. You can write us at, or check out our website at Become a patreon at
Show Notes & Links to our stories:
*I'm pretty sure the house im quarantined in is haunted:
*Skinwalker Ranch livestream gives you a rare glimpse into its dark heart:
*Covid-19 phone location tracking: Its moving fast-this is whats happening now:
*Astronaut urine to build space colony:
*Going Crazy? Then train and get a routine:
*Glimmer man witness account:
*How the Rona will change us forever:
*Alien eggs not what they seem:

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Strange Uncles S3E11; Are Crop Cirlcles a Thing?
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Hello everyone! Join us on this episode as we discuss the history, theories, and ideas on "Crop Circles" Open the gates..
Want more? become a Patreon Member at Call us on our hotline for your stories at (801) 252-6945, or write us at the Gates...

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Strange Uncles Bonus Content: "Were Here for you"
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Hey decided to get together and feel out this weird day, as well as weird future times. Were her for you...
If you need to talk, please call or write, doesn't have to be something weird, just talking sometimes is the medicine needed..