Strange uncles podcast

High Strangeness comes in all shapes & sizes. Our job is to step into the shadows and find these topics, and bring them into the light to dissect and inform the world at large. Join Shane, John & Josh as we delve into the world of the Strange, bizzare, and paranormal, and try to laugh at it all as we unravel the synchronicities found in this well as out of. Open the Gates...s

Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Strange Uncles S5E26; ”Dreams & Alchemy w/ Robert Bosnak”
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
Sunday Dec 12, 2021
We made it! Season finale for Season 5, and man do we have a great guest to help us round out the year. Robert Bosnak has been a 40+ year trainer of Jungian Analysis, author of 7 books as well as the more recent Fiction book series "The Red Sulphur Saga". Join us as we pick his brain about dreams, how they affect our day to day lives, the true history of Alchemy, and we round it all out by asking Robert: "How do we get out of this awful period of our time in our world?". Open the Gates...
*You can find Robert Bosnak at, or look up his works on amazon!
*We are wrapping up the season but that doesn't mean we don't already have interviews and ideas in the pipeline for next year! Send us you ideas or subjects to research and we will do our best. See you in 2022!

Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Strange Uncles S5E25; ”The Ant Hill Kids Cult”
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Sunday Nov 28, 2021
Standby everyone, this one is a doozy. So we usually don't dive into cults for the same reason we don't cover true crime. We just don't want to give those assholes a platform. With that being said, Cults are astonishing, kind of like a train wreck you can't look away from. So, we give you this episode of "The Ant Hill Kids Cult". One of the most prolific cults out of Canada, and pretty recent for the most part. Join us as we climb in the mind of the infamous leader Roch, and cover just what really went down in this supposed Church of love...Open the Gates.
*Find us an all platforms! Want more Strange for your proverbial ear balls? Become a Patreon member HERE. Write us at or call us at (801) 252-6945. Close the Gates..

Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Strange Uncles: SU News; ”Hotel dissection & Jetpack Man Edition”
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Sunday Nov 21, 2021
Welcome to our monthly Fortean news! Join us as we talk about a human dissection performed at a Marriot, an update on the LAX Jetpack Man, and a Space X encounter, plus tons more! Open the Gates
*Find us on all platforms. Write us at Strangeuncles@gmailcom or call us at (801) 252-6945 with your stories or possible future content. Want more? Become a Patreon at Close the Gates..

Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Strange Uncles S5E23; ”Fiction Author Matt Betts”
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
Sunday Nov 14, 2021
So we usually don't have Fictional authors on the show, but you the listeners will be pleasantly surprised with Matt Betts. Funny as hell and one of the most creative minds we've talked to, Matt has definitely carved out a niche' for himself in the horror/sci-fi/steampunk book world. we talk about how he got into writing, his method and his work, and do a little screwing around and laughing along the way. Enjoy!
You can find matt and his work at
Find us everywhere! Even maybe right behind you, boo. Write us at or call our hotline at (801) 252-6945 to tell your story. Want more for your proverbial ear balls? Join our Patreon HERE.

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Strange Uncles SU5E22; ”Men in Black Talk w/ Darcy Weir”
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
This one is a treat. Awhile ago we had Bigfoot Researchers David Ellis and Shane Corson to discuss the new documentary "Sasquatch Among Wild Men", which was directed and produced by Darcy Weir. Well since then, Darcy has been pretty damn busy. Releasing Doc's that cover everything from Crop Circles to underground bases and everything in between, he is back with a new doc called "Who saw the Men in Black". We have a fantastic convo about the history of The men in Black, encounters, theories, and the list goes on. Darcy is by far one of the leading Filmmakers in the High Strangeness field. Hope you guys enjoy. Open the Gates...
Check out his trailer here:
Find us everywhere! Have a story or a recommended guest? Write us at or call us at (801) 252-69...45. Want more strange for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates..

Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Strange Uncles S5E21; ”The Glamour Ghoul Known as....Vampira”
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Happy Halloween Strangers! So this one is a little different from our usual format. I stumbled on this real life character from the 50's a few months ago, and became absolutely fascinated with her story. You thought Elvira was the original Glamour Ghoul of the screen? Think again. There was someone before her, and boy oh boy is her story good. We thought this would be a fun one for Halloween. We even dropped this earlier than are usual Sunday drop so you can have a story to listen to while you give out candy for Hallows Eve. Open the Gates....
*Find us on ALL Podcast platforms. Have a story or a tale to tell? Write us at or call our hotline at (801) 252-6945. Want more of us for your earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates...

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Strange Uncles S5E20: SU News; ”Voices from Space & Bigfoot in WA Edition”
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Welcome everyone as we throw out a special Fortean news episode! Together again in good ol' Salt Lake City, John, Josh and I got together to record weird news in person. Enjoy! Open the Gates...
*Got a story or something strange to get off your chest? Email us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-6945. Want more alleged Strange Uncles? Join our Patreon HERE. Close the Gates...

Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Strange Uncles S5E19; ”Living w/ a Possessed Mom w/ Michael Gagliardi”
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Sunday Oct 17, 2021
Wow. So this one took us back a bit. We really didn't know what to expect or how deep this interview would get, but suffice to say it brought chills down our spine when hearing what Michael went through. Even if you are someone who doubts actual possession or demons, its still a heartfelt story that makes you wonder where was the fail of the Health Care system? How could they just let go what was happening to Michael and his older sister living with their obviously demented or possibly possessed mother? So many questions to ask. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Open the Gates...
*Write us with your story or tale at or call us at (801) 252-6945. Want more of the Strange? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates...

Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Strange Uncles S5E18; ”Urban Myth‘s”
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
Sunday Oct 10, 2021
So this episode actually is somewhat of a yearly one, as All Hallows Eve fast approaches. We took some time to dig up some Urban myth's that you may or may not...Have about. Everything from the "Shamanic Portals", to "Phantom Social Workers", we will tantalize you with hopefully Myth's that you have never heard of, and talk a bit more in depth about one's that you definitely have heard of. All in a days work. Open the Gates.
*Do you have a myth or tale to tell? Write us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-6945, and leave us an encounter or story that you need to get off your chest. Want more? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates...

Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Strange Uncles: SU News; ”Cocaine Fish & Tombstone Fudge Edition”
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Sunday Oct 03, 2021
Welcome everyone to our monthly Fortean news edition. On this one we tell you tales of Drugged out fish (Thanks to People), cool Mars talk & the best fudge ever...Made on a Tombstone. And more! Enjoy!
PS: Patreons, you get more news and 25 additional minutes, just for being you....Open the Gates.
Want more for your Earballs? Become a patreon at Call our hotline at (801) 252-6945 or write us with your story at Close the Gates..