Strange uncles podcast

High Strangeness comes in all shapes & sizes. Our job is to step into the shadows and find these topics, and bring them into the light to dissect and inform the world at large. Join Shane, John & Josh as we delve into the world of the Strange, bizzare, and paranormal, and try to laugh at it all as we unravel the synchronicities found in this well as out of. Open the Gates...s

Sunday May 01, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E16; ”Thomas Winterton from Secrets of Skinwalker Ranch””
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Strangers, we give you Thomas Winterton, Ranch Superintendent for the infamous Skinwalker Ranch in UT. The new season of "Secret's of Skinwalker Ranch" kicks off on the History channel on May 3rd, and we thought no one would be better to discuss the phenomena that continues to occur in the Uintah Basin. Join us as Thomas talks about the past seasons, experiences that he had, and a sneak peek into the new season. Open the Gates...
*Write us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-6945. Want more for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates...

Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E15; ”Secret Space Programs”
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Sunday Apr 24, 2022
Hey Strangers! Join us as we present "Secret Space Programs". We all know the Government has been (is), involved into some pretty behind closed door stuff throughout the decades, but some of the ideas that were spun in regards to Secret Space Programs is, well shall we say, pretty fu**ing nuts. So join us as we run down ten or so of the top Programs, and thank god they never came to fruition (as far as we know). Open the Gates..
*Want more Strangeness for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Have a tale to tell or want to get something off your chest? Write us at or call our hotline at (801) 252-6945. Close the Gates..

Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Hey Strangers! Thanks so much for bearing with us as we had life bite us in the ass once again. BUT, we are back and get our toes wet with some SU News for April! Join us as we discuss Neptune is acting weird, mushrooms are speaking human talk, & a cover-up from 2014? Plus more!
*Patreons: Because we love you, you get an additional 30 minutes of...well, us. Enjoy. Open the Gates.
*Want more Strangeness for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Have something to share? Don't be a stranger! Write us at or call us at (801) 252-6945....Tell us your story!

Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Strange Uncles; SU Replay: ”HAARP”
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Sunday Apr 10, 2022
Hey everyone, so life got in the way a bit, and as busy as we all have been, we were not able to record new content. But we do have a couple of replay's in lieu of, which if you haven't went back through our entire 6 season (wow, six seasons!?), might be a new one to you. We will be back in mid April w/ new content and a few great guests that have taken a while to line up. Meanwhile, enjoy...Open the Gates..
*Follow us on all platforms! Have a story to share or a tale to tell? Have feedback? Write us at or call us at (801) 252-6945...Want more for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates..

Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Strange Uncles; SU Replay: ”Climate Change Talk w/ Tory”
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Sunday Apr 03, 2022
Hey everyone, so life got in the way a bit, and as busy as we all have been, we were not able to record new content. But we do have a couple of replay's in lieu of, which if you haven't went back through our entire 6 season (wow, six seasons!?), might be a new one to you. We will be back in mid April w/ new content and a few great guests that have taken a while to line up. Meanwhile, enjoy...Open the Gates..
*Follow us on all platforms! Have a story to share or a tale to tell? Have feedback? Write us at or call us at (801) 252-6945...Want more for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates..

Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Sunday Mar 27, 2022
Welcome Strangers to our monthly Fortean news episode. Enjoy & Open the gates...
*Give to Ukraine: Also wanted to include in the notes a link to some pretty good info that CNBC put together. No matter how you want to donate or help Ukraine, you should be able to find a charity: to Ukraine
*Find us on all Podcast platforms! Have a story to tell mor just want to tell us we suck? Write us at or call us at (801) 252-6945. Want more for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates....

Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Strange Uncles SU6E10; ”The Mandela Effect”
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Sunday Mar 20, 2022
Hey Strangers! So we have been kicking this topic around for a bit and finally decided to get our shit together and cover it. There are so many Mandela Effects out there that we didn't have time to cover all of them, but we did have time to break down the meaning and origin, cover some personal ones, cover some large ones, and even squeeze in a Fact or BS quiz to top it all off. This was a fun one to do, hope you guys' enjoy! Open the Gates...
*Give to Ukraine: Also wanted to include in the notes a link to some pretty good info that CNBC put together. No matter how you want to donate or help Ukraine, you should be able to find a charity: to Ukraine
*Find us on all Podcast platforms! Have a story to tell mor just want to tell us we suck? Write us at or call us at (801) 252-6945. Want more for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates....

Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Hey Strangers! We had the pleasure of having on Robert Sullivan IV, who has a very, very impressive track record of being an author, a lawyer, a Free Mason, as well as an expert in finding hidden symbolism and occult meaning in Hollywood. We really go down the rabbit hole a bit on this one as we discuss what started his obsession, which directors use hidden meaning more than others, and dabble a bit into a few of our favorite horror movies and dissect them to find out things we never knew! Great episode, and Robert, thank you so much for coming on and taking the time, cant wait to have you back! Open the Gates...
*Find Robert and all his work at
*Find us on all podcast platforms! Have a tale to tell? Write us at, or call our hotline at (801) 252-6945. Want more strangeness for your earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the gates..

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E8; ”George Washington’s Spies w/ Aly Riley”
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Hey everyone, we've got a great one for you. So we had a listener reach out after our Don Wildman interview, and she mentioned how great it was to be talking about weird history, etc., and mentioned she too has been studying some strange history, mainly finding out who the supposed "355 Spy" in George Washington's famous "Culper Spy Ring" really is. Out of Washington's 6 spies in the Culper Ring, all have been identified except for one female spy that was in the group. Our guest believes she found out who that person is, and is writing a book to perhaps change history if she is right, and we are hoping she is! Everyone enjoy. Open the Gates...
*Find us on all Podcast platforms. Write us at, or call us at (801) 252-6945. Want more for your proverbial earballs? Join our Patreon at Close the Gates...

Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Sunday Feb 27, 2022
Hey Strangers! Welcome to our monthly Fortean news episode. On this one the boys are all back together again in good ol' SLC. Join as as we discuss the once in a lifetime date of 2-22-22 and what that means, Scientists have a chance to see the brain while it's dying and a bunch more! Open the Gates...
*Patreon's get an additional 40+ minutes. Not that you asked for it, but you got it anyway. Close the Gates..