Strange uncles podcast

High Strangeness comes in all shapes & sizes. Our job is to step into the shadows and find these topics, and bring them into the light to dissect and inform the world at large. Join Shane, John & Josh as we delve into the world of the Strange, bizzare, and paranormal, and try to laugh at it all as we unravel the synchronicities found in this well as out of. Open the Gates...s

Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E38; ”Hidden Symbolism in Horror Movies w/ Robert Sullivan”
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Well well well...That time is upon us again Strangers. To celebrate the Halloween season, we brought back on the show Robert W. Sullivan III, to discuss symbolism & hidden meanings in horror movies. Awesome conversation that I personally could have had all night long but alas, time got in the way. We break down a few of the classics such as "The Exorcist" & then move onto the Halloween franchises, including the new "Halloween Kills" and fill in the gaps w/ everything from "Event Horizon" to "Trick or Treat", & even get on the topic of Kubrick's possible involvement w/ the Apollo landing. Plenty to cover, and Josh and I banter a bit before about some of our fave's and viewpoints. Perfect episode to celebrate our favorite holiday...Open the Gates.
*You can find all of Roberts awesome work at About the Author | Robert W. Sullivan IV (
*Want more for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Write us at or call us at (801) 252-6945 to tell us your story..Close the Gates..

Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E37; ”What is God w/ Micah Danks”
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Wow, this one is a doozy. So, we had the pleasure of having Micah on in Season 4, and really uncovered some amazing things, but nothing like this time around. Join us as Micah talks about "What is God". An amazing perspective that really makes you think about life twice...If you allow it too. Open the Gates.
*You can reach out to Micah via Twitter at @RealMisterDank. You can find his You Tube channel at Micah Dank Truth Bombs. Find his "Into the Rabbit Hole" book series on Amazon.
*Write us at or call us at (801) 252-6945. Want more Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates.

Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E36; ”History of Occultism Part II”
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
So, we have put our proverbial toe in the water at times on this topic, but never really defined exactly what occultism truly means. A wild history, and in our modern times, it's kind of sad where it ends up. But we digress...Join us as we cover the beginning, the main groups that came from it, as well as some of the notable people in history that maintained it. Open the Gates....
*Call us at (801)252-6945 or write us at Want more for your ear balls? Become a Patreon HERE.

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E35;” History of Occultism Part I”
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
So, we have put our proverbial toe in the water at times on this topic, but never really defined exactly what occultism truly means. A wild history, and in our modern times, it's kind of sad where it ends up. But we digress...Join us as we cover the beginning, the main groups that came from it, as well as some of the notable people in history that maintained it. Open the Gates....
*Write us at, or better yet, call us at (801) 252-6945...Want more for your proverbial earballs? Become a member HERE. Close the gates.

Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Hello Strangers! So join us as we get together live and cover our monthly Fortean News! Always great to be together live...We talk about NASA's meteor bowling stunt, a new known Cannibal, mining oceans for our stupid tech & more! Patreon members get an added 30 minutes or BS so enjoy. Open the Gates..
*Have a story to tell? Write us at or call us at (801) 252-6945. Want more? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates...

Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E33: ”Vatican Secret’s or not so Secret’s?””
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Hey strangers! So, we somewhat got ourselves back in the proverbial saddle and have some new stuff for ya! So, as we said in this episode, we have no dog in the fight when it comes to organized religion, so NO ONE should feel like we are picking on one's belief's, however, the history of the Vatican is definitely worth discussing, along w/ the "supposed" or "alleged" things that have gone down w/ the Vatican through the years. We didn't delve too deep into the lore because that would have been a 5 parter for sure, but we did capture some quick history, some fun facts, and dived down the rabbit hole of dealings that the Vatican "allegedly" had. Oh, and we also threw in some time travel talk that the Vatican "supposedly" fabricated. All in a day's work. Enjoy! Open the Gates..
*Have a tale to tell? Call us at (801) 252-69..45, or write us at Want more for your ear balls? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates...

Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Strange Uncles Replay: ”Remote Viewing w/ Lynn Buchanan”
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Hey Stranger's, so work has gotten in the way of fun yet again. But enjoy this replay from Season 5, where we had the infamous Lynn Buchanan on to discuss Remote viewing. His time in the military, coupled with the projects that he was part of as the Military put together a full-blown Remote Viewing task force is straight out of science fiction but ultimately true. Join us as we picked the brain of one of the foremost authorities on the subject. Open the Gates...*Write us at or call us at (801)252-6945 and tell us your story! Want more for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates..

Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E31; ”Helping Experiencer’s w/ Les Velez”
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Sunday Sep 04, 2022
Welcome Strangers! On this episode we have a gentleman by the name of Les Velez on the show. Les has been involved w/ the UAP phenomena for over 20 years, starting with MUFON, and has since evolved and has co-chaired an organization by the name of O PUS: Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support. This group continues to help people who have had traumatic experiences w/ different Alien species and collaborates w/ other groups to find help. Join us as we discuss his research, his theories, and everything from implants to what we think is going on w/ different types of UAP's. Open the Gates...
*Find Les Velez's work at Find his books; "The Unknown Other", and "The Existential Proposition of Alien Contact" on Amazon.
*Find us on all platforms. Write us at, or call us at (801) 252-6945. Want more? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates..

Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Strange Uncles: SU News; ”Tiny Brains w/ Eyes & Welsh Atlantis Edition”
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Hey Strangers! So welcome to our monthly Fortean News episode. Plenty of stuff on this one. Join us as we talk about tiny brains w/ eyes being grown, congress & the UFO problem, proof that things were stolen during the most famous Egyptian dig, and water troubles that are revealing hidden history, and more! Patreon members get an extra 30 minutes of news! Open the Gates..
*Follow us on all platforms. Have a story to tell? Call us at (801) 252-6945 or write us at Want more for your proverbial earballs? Become a Patreon HERE. Close the Gates..

Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Strange Uncles S6E29; ”Cryptocurrency w/ Darcy Weir”
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Sunday Aug 21, 2022
Welcome strangers, as we dive down the world of Cryptocurrency. Very interesting on where it came from, the purpose behind it, and where the future may go w/ Crypto. Join us as we Talk to Darcy Weir, who's new documentary; "The Bitcoin Field Guide: Understanding Crypto Currency", covers the ins and outs of Crypto, NFT's, the Metaverse and more. Fascinating subject as we fall down the rabbit hole w/ Darcy. Open the Gates..
*You can find Darcy at:
Have a story or a tale to tell? Call us at (801) 252-6945 or write us at Want more? Become a Patreon here: